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May 15, 2017

A Manual for Developing Humans
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PMH Atwater had three NDEs in three months some 40 years ago, and has been writing, researching, speaking, and blogging about what she learned – and what others have learned – as her life has evolved ever since. Now,15 books later, her latest book is hot off the press. In A Manual for Developing Humans, PMH has summarized what she has learned about life, death and creation in a guide so comprehensive as to be invaluable to those who want to grow in wisdom and in heart.
Episode Segments:
NDE Radio: PMH Atwater
A Manual for Developing Humans is the third book P.M.H. Atwater was told to write during her third near-death experience. Based entirely on threes, there are no chapters . . . only the development of conscious, subconscious, and superconscious aspects to each topic
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A Manual For Developing Humans
the Manual contains the basics on every level of life―from how to use your mind, develop and use intuition, understand color, sex, relationships, children, how to take out-of-body trips, interact with spirit beings, meditate, bend time, and rethink money. Aliveness jumps from every page―of soil, rocks, mountains, vegetation, the air we breathe, our planet, our solar system, our universe―even electricity and energy itself, along with The Void (the ultimate “cradle of creation”).