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May 11, 2015

Veridical Perceptions in Near-Death Experiences
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Robert Mays and his wife Suzanne have studied NDEs together for over 35 years, although neither has had a near-death experience. They research the phenomena of NDEs and shared-death experiences (SDEs) and the implications for understanding consciousness and neurological function. In particular they study the phenomena connected with the out-of-body component of the NDE, especially veridical perceptions during NDEs and SDEs, and apparent interactions between the NDE and physical reality during their NDE. They also study the neurological evidence of the non-material “mind” during ordinary consciousness and the neurological mechanisms for an interface between the “mind” and the brain.
Episode Segments:
NDE Radio: Robert Mays
Robert talks about the importance of veridical perceptions during NDEs that were verified as accurate, as evidence of the separation of the mind from the physical body. In addition, he talks about a current project of IANDS that will translate an important NDE research book on veridical perceptions to English-speaking audiences, as well as the up-coming IANDS Conference in San Antonio in September.
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Links to Related Websites:
Donate To Book Translation
For more information or to donate to the IANDS’s book translation discussed by Robert Mays, visit this link

Robert Mays Website
Robert and Suzanne Mays have studied the phenomena related to near-death experiences (NDEs) together for over 30 years, although neither has had a near-death experience. Their studies can be found on this website