Sunday • February 16
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April 03, 2017

I Had to Die to Learn How to Live
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Alan R. Stevenson was your average run of the mill kinda guy until 9:25 am on February 26th 2010 when on his way to work suffered what should have been a fatal heart attack on a city bus during the only snow storm of the season. Alan Side stepped time and physical reality to have a Near Death experience. One in which was more of an edification process once he made a choice to return to physical Life.

He met by a Tiger, who is the Guardian Of Souls and accompanied Alan to a place or point of Being that Alan refers to Heavens Door. From that point forward Alan's understanding of Life, its meaning and purpose have never been the same.
Episode Segments:
NDE Radio: Alan R. Stevenson
Alan is the author of I Had to Die to Learn How to Live, and CEO and founder of OneDay. Alan says, "One day each of our souls slipped from our physical Reality to have an NDE, and one day each and every soul will slip from here to return from where we came." OneDay is a six NDE speaker touring seminar, meeting for one day in different cities.
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Links to Related Websites:
I Had To Die To Learn How To Live
Discover The Meaning of Life And How to Live it

Many aspects of physical and non-physical reality were learned during Alan's near death experience, though, his most prominent understanding is; "It is the lesson of Being in a physical world we have yet to learn. Our blind spots are many and knowledge of what is truly important...little. Much in the same way that we know little about and do not understand death, the same is also true as to what we honestly think we know about Life."

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Alan R. Stevenson
Life for Alan R. Stevenson was routine and one of a typical -forty-something working person, having been a cook and a baker for most of that period. He is the Sun of a Sun and father to two young ladies, Meaghan and Danika, that are the crowning gems of his Life. However since the NDE experience of February 26th 2010, Alan has stepped forth to work with and help people who have become stuck in the quicksand of Life. Whether it be the loss of a Loved one or simply those who can't see their way along the path and journey of this experience we call Life.

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