Sunday • February 16
CST 10:19 | EST 11:19 | MST 9:19 | PST 8:19 | GMT 04:19
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March 05, 2018

Terry Diane Andersen
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This week's guest, Terry Diane Andersen, writes about herself: "As a child I could see the natural energies of trees, mountains, animals, and people, and experienced departed loved ones sitting on my bed communicating with me. A sudden NDE transported me to another dimension with three beings who gave me a past and future life review. I experienced a change of consciousness and personality that left me with the ability to see through time and space, into people's lives and bodies, preview events with people I had yet to meet, communicate with departed souls and more. I sought extensive training in controlled remote viewing, medical applications, neuroscience and psychic mediumship to learn how to apply my abilities to help others."
Episode Segments:
NDE Radio: Terry Diane Anderson
Terry had encounters with the other side since she was a child, and a sudden NDE left her with the ability to see through space and time
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