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January 23, 2017

Bruce Davis and his Spiritual Lessons
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Bruce Davis had his first NDE like experiences as a graduate student from a Shaman who took him to "dream classes" on the other side. Here spirits and people would receive spiritual lessons. Afterwards, Bruce lived with the psychic healers in the Philippines, an ashram in India, Balinese priests, and recently lived for twelve years in Assisi Italy where he was deeply touched by Franciscan spirituality. As Bruce's connection grew to the heart inside his heart, God, he has faced the tests of how we can be so human and at the same time so Divine. Bruce is the author of several books including The Magical Child Within You and Monastery Without Walls. Bruce is currently retreat director of Silent Stay Retreats near Napa, California where people with profound spiritual experiences come to be with and receive more deeply what is touching them in the silence of their hearts. ​​
Episode Segments:
NDE Radio: Bruce Davis
One of the minor issues that confronts the NDE Community from time to time is it's name. Do you really have to die to experience an NDE, and if so, what defines death? We will discuss this topic with our guest Bruce Davis, who has had 3 different NDE-like experiences in 3 different cultures.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Bruce Davis
Bruce is the author of The Heart of Healing, Monastery without Walls ~ Daily Life in the Silence, My Little Flowers, Simple Peace ~ The Inner Life of St Francis of Assisi and The Calling of Joy. His latest book is The Love Letters of St Francis & St Clare. Bruce is a regular contributor to Huffington Post. A graduate of Saybrook University, Bruce is a spiritual psychologist and teacher of the essence of world religions. He has taught at JFK University in Pleasant Hill, California and many spiritual centers in the United States, Germany, and Switzerland.

In 1975 he wrote the book The Magical Child Within You which said to be the first book written on trusting and nurturing the inner child. A couple years later he coauthored another best selling book Hugs & Kisses about loving life, which has been a theme of his work ever since.

While a graduate student, Bruce met and became an apprentice to a remarkable Shaman who had the gift of entering into and teaching people in their dreams. For four years, Bruce was introduced to many realms and worlds outside normal western thought. These years were to be the beginning of Bruce's quest to understand the potential of psychology and spirituality.

Since 1983 he has led interfaith spiritual retreats in many parts of Europe, Asia, United States. Taking people to sacred places like Assisi, Italy, participants discover the sacred place within themselves. For twelve years Bruce and Ruth lived in Assisi, founding the Assisi Retreat Center where people of all backgrounds are welcome to enjoy the simple peace and spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. The Assisi Retreat Center was named as "one of the top ten meditation retreats in the world" by both CNN and Travel & Leisure Magazine. It has been featured in many publications including the NYTimes, Wall Street Journal. among others. Bruce & Ruth returned home to California in 2012 and established, Silent Stay, It is Bruce's wish to provide a sanctuary for everyone who yearns for real peace and quiet towards finding their own inner silence, spirituality, and purpose.

Through the years, Bruce has studied and lived with spiritual teachers in India, Philippines, Germany and Bali, Indonesia. In 1992 Bruce & Ruth established a free food program for people living without shelter in San Francisco that continues till this day. At Silent Stay near San Francisco, people of all backgrounds come to receive the pure quiet of their heart. After many of his own experiences, Bruce has a great interest in supporting people who have had a spiritual awakening including Near Death Experiences to continue their journey with a meditation practice of heartfulness, silence, and retreat.. His primary intention is helping others to embrace their unique spiritual journey, developing a meaningful spiritual life including a daily life of joy.

Silent Stay Retreat Centers