Friday • February 07
CST 6:09 | EST 7:09 | MST 5:09 | PST 4:09 | GMT 12:09
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Real Motivation with a Purpose
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At some point along the way, people ask their own version of the question, “What is the purpose for my life?”

Rich Hallstrom asked himself that question approximately 14 years ago. His search for the answer opened the door for him to discover the essence of who he is, forever changing the way he views himself and lives his life.

His life has been filled with challenges. He was born with Spastic Diplegia, a form of Cerebral Palsy that affects motor skills and coordination. While each of us has unique challenges and circumstances that are beyond our control, he has come to see it’s how you respond to those challenges are what make the difference. He chooses to focus on what HE CAN DO rather than on WHAT HE CAN’T DO an attitude that has taken time to develop.

Today, as creator and co- host of Motivation with Purpose it’s his responsibility to find, develop, and tell stories that provide inspiration, hope and motivation to others, just like what he needed at one time. Living with his disability has enhanced his skills as a media professional, and it has given him the ability to develop focus, persistence, a competitive edge, and an ability to see a unique story in every person.
Episode Segments:
Motivation with a Purpose: The Story of Rich Hallstrom

Rich Hallstrom's message is simple - “for everyone to pursue your passions with excellence”. “No disability or challenge can stand in the way unless you allow it to”. On this week's show, Zeke will interview Rich to get his remarkable story, and why this program is so important in helping others find motivation.
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