Saturday • February 15
CST 1:18 | EST 2:18 | MST 12:18 | PST 11:18 | GMT 19:18
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Solar Wind Towers
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Joining Ken on the premiere episode of GREEN ROI will be Ron Pickett, CEO of Solar Wind Energy Tower, a Publicly Traded Company in Annapolis Md, and Dave Finnigan of "Climate Change is Elementary™ and Juggling for Success™, projects of United Charitable Programs, a non-profit 501c3 Foundation. Plus, what is ET3 and how does it work? Daryl Oster, Founder and CEO of Inc gives us the details.

Episode Segments:
Green ROI: Solar Wind Towers and Space Travel on Earth

It's a jam packed debut edition of Green ROI. Up first, Ronald W. Pickett tells us about a bold new energy solution - a solar wind tower. Then, teaching climate change to school kids with Dave Finnigan. And we close out with Daryl Oster of ET3, and a new mode of transportation - Evacuated Tube Transport Technologies.
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Links to Related Websites:
Climate Change Is Elementary™

Climate Change is Elementary™ is intended to help schools and families to begin to take meaningful action toward understanding and solving the Climate Crisis. Climate Change is Elementary™ and Juggling for Success™ are projects of Congressional District Programs, a non profit 501c3 foundation.

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Ronald W. Pickett
Ronald W. Pickett is President and CEO, Chairman of Solar Wind Energy Tower. Ron brings over 40 years of construction, development and innovative technology skills and expertise to the team. He has founded numerous companies from startup and nurtured three from inception through the public ownership process. All three public companies involved new, innovative, first-to-market global technology solutions. Ron also has a keen understanding of government, legislative, and permitting practices.

Solar Wind Energy Tower Website

Dave Finnigan
Dave Finnigan is a Social Change Agent working on his third big project. He was the Information, Education and Communications consultant to the successful family planning programs in South Korea and Taiwan in the 1960s and 70s. Then he spent 30 years visiting over 2,000 elementary schools in 41 states and 12 countries as the "Johnny Appleseed" of juggling, teaching well over a million youngsters, their parents and teachers to juggle with slow moving nylon scarves. Dave's third big project is what he calls The Global Movement for a Clean and Green Future, which he will be kicking off this Fall in Maryland, getting elementary students, their parents and teachers to take action to drastically reduce their carbon and water footprints.

Climate Change is Elementary

Daryl Oster
Daryl Oster, Founder and CEO of Inc. Studied Mechanical Engineering at Walla Walla College, Washington. His experience includes: Farming; and marine, aeronautical, and mechanical design and certification. He was a stockbroker for a short time, and served a recent term on Crystal River City Council. He represented municipal interests for his county on a five county regional planning board. His varied skills have resulted in an environmentally responsible proposal to solve the transportation dilemma using moderately priced technologies, and existing manufacturing capacities.