Monday • September 16
CST 10:35 | EST 11:35 | MST 9:35 | PST 8:35 | GMT 15:35
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Charisma, Branding & Leadership
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Dr. Henrik Mann invites Ms. Ellen Looyen , America's leader in personal branding, to share her insights into the elements of charismatic leadership and how this plays out practically in contributing to the success of less known people, as well as leaders in politics and business.
Episode Segments:
The Power of Branding
Ellen explains how she became aware of the power of branding and why she decided to dedicate her life to helping others find the power of their own brand. She also explains why it is critical to manage your own personal brand for success.
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Charisma and Market Branding
Ellen talks about what it takes for a brand to be successful, and how personal charisma is involved in that process.
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Improving Your Brand
Ellen describes how anyone can improve their own brand, and the power of focus in attaining your goals. She also explains why you need to freshen your brand from time to time.
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Brands Around the World
Ellen gives her opinion of what the American brand means around the world, as well as how other countries brands are perceived.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Ellen Looyen
Ellen Looyen, known as “America’s Leader in Personal Branding” has a valuable and practical message for anyone interested in starting, growing or sustaining a business, or in promoting themselves in a more unique and compelling way. A true corporate pioneer, Ellen spent most of the 80’s distinguishing herself as a sales and training leader at IBM and Xerox, while developing the innovative Charismatic Branding techniques she employs in all of her work today. Ellen has a BA in Philosophy from Temple University in Philadelphia and extensive experience as a branding strategist and marketing communications expert. In her own marketing consultancy, motivational speaking and sales training business since 1988, Ellen’s work is enthusiastically endorsed by the best-selling, Guerrilla Marketing author, Jay Conrad Levinson. She is the featured Branding & Marketing Communications Specialist in CJ Hayden’s popular book, “Get Clients Now!” and she is also a frequent Branding Commentator on KGO NewsTalk Radio (Northern California’s #1 Radio Station).