Family relationships are going south mainly because people are forgetting what being a family means, and don’t know the proper foundations on which to build a family. In this episode, Dr. Thompson begins a new series examining the family relationship by introducing a theological basis designed to strengthen the foundations of the family structure.
Episode Segments:
Relationship Management: The Bouquet Approach We have strayed away from the truth of God in the way that we relate to our families. That is causing the family structure to rapidly deteriorate. Dr. Thompson believes we need to embrace theology and reject the bouquet packaging of the scriptures to understand God’s place in our relationships and our families.
Relationship Management: The Strip Mining Approach Too often, people are receiving the word of God through a strip mining approach; certain points are grabbed from scripture, and they are worn down until the truth is stripped out of it, and the point is lost. The foundation needs to be strong, so the dynamic can grow.
Relationship Management: The Four Foundations Families have become weak, since they are following the wrong model for growth. Dr. Thompson defines the four foundations of a theological basis for family: Covenant, grace, empowerment and intimacy. He explains what each foundation means, and how they strengthen each other,
Relationship Management: Love and Growth In our final part, Dr. Thompson discusses the role of unconditional love, and why we must avoid being petty in our relationships. Relationships need to grow, or else they become stagnant. And more growth means greater commitment.