Wednesday • February 12
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August 11, 2017

Money and Relationships
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On this episode, the DBDS Brothers will discuss money and how it fits in to relationships. For example, is a man obligated to pay a woman's bills if he's sleeping with her? Make sure you call in to give us your thoughts 1-888-463-6748
Episode Segments:
Relationship Straight Talk: Money and Relationships
Is it okay to ask a man to pay for your basic necessities if you’re not in a committed relationship? We'll hear what out social media family had to say about this one, while Mo & Mel share their perspectives as well.
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Links to Related Websites:
Dear Brothers Dear Sisters Listen Up!
Dear Brothers, Dear Sisters—Listen Up! is a knowledge guide on relationships that contains advice on how to avoid the traps and pitfalls that accompany dating and relationships for both men and women. This book covers the groundwork that will help individuals grow themselves into positive relationship-ready form so that they are prepared for true love when it arrives.