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July 07, 2017

Staying in a Bad Relationship
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Why do people stay in a relationship when it's bad? Is it fear? Loneliness? Low self esteem? Mo and Mel look at this topic from a number of angles, and you'll hear there are no easy answers.

And ladies- are you attracting the wrong kind of men? The reason may be what's in your closet!.

Join the conversation LIVE on Friday July 7 at 5PM EST. Call 888-463-6748!
Episode Segments:
Relationship Straight Talk: Staying in Bad Relationships
Stop using LOVE as an emotional crutch to stay with someone who mistreats YOU. If YOU decide to stay with someone who constantly mistreats YOU then YOU have no one to blame but yourself. Take off YOUR emotional blinders and move on. Change YOUR mindset.
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