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April 13, 2019

National Donate Life Month- transplant patient stories
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Dr. Charles Rosen, director of the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center, will discuss the importance of organ donation and what's being done to improve the number of organ donors. Also on the program, two Mayo Clinic transplant patient stories will be featured. First, Chad Corey and his donor, Chris Douglas, will explain what it's like to wait for — and find — a living kidney donor. And Julianne Vasichek will share her story, four years after her liver transplant.
Episode Segments:
National Donate Life Month
Each April, National Donate Life Month is celebrated to encourage Americans to register as organ, eye and tissue donors. More than 110,000 men, women and children await an organ transplant and another person is added to the list every 10 minutes, according to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network. Unfortunately, due to lack of available organs, an average of 22 people die every day waiting for an organ transplant. The National Donate Life Month theme for 2019 is “Life is a beautiful ride." Campaign artwork uses a bicycle as a symbol of progress, renewal and the circle of life.
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