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November 05, 2013

Moving on After an Abusive Relationship
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Once you've been in an abusive relationship, whether it be physical or emotional, you may have a very difficult time getting past it. When you finally have gotten the courage to leave your abusive relationship, moving on with life can be very challenging, especially when you begin dating again. If you are having a hard time moving on with your life after being in an abusive relationship, join HCCN & Huffington Post writer Hayley Horzepa, who discusses her past abuse openly to learn things you can do to make the dating life easier on you.
Episode Segments:
Healing Conversations: Hayley Horzepa on Abusive Relationships

On this episode, we are creating an atmosphere for healing with Huffington Post Blogger Hayley Horzepa, author of I Know Why They Call a Shell a Shell.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Haley Rose Horzepa
Three years ago on a snowy February morning, Hayley could not take living a lie anymore. She had spent countless nights on the phone calling 800 numbers talking to counselors via rape and domestic violence hotlines. Being a victim of rape and domestic violence was a secret she kept to herself for ten years, and now one of the counselors was calling her house and refusing to leave her alone until she got help. Since that morning Hayley has worked diligently to overcome the emotional scars and trauma that rape and domestic violence leaves behind while sharing her story as a way of helping others. She no longer considers herself a victim, but a survivor.