Saturday • February 15
CST 1:35 | EST 2:35 | MST 12:35 | PST 11:35 | GMT 07:35
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Heart and Brain Health
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Dr. William Duncan joins Deborah for news on upcoming FDA legislation. Then, Tom Vonderbrink from Bio-energy Life Science joins Deborah and Dr. Whitaker to discuss the latest meeting of the Heart Failure Society. Plus, Neurologist Dr. William Hammesfahr joins Deborah and Dr. Whitaker for a conversation about brain health.
Episode Segments:
HTR: FDA Legislation Update With Dr. William Duncan
Dr. Duncan joins Deborah with the latest news from the Beltway, including a discussion on adverse prescription drug side effects, and where the majority of Medicare dollars are going.
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HTR: The Heart Failure Society
Tom Vonderbrink, President and CEO of Bio-energy Life Science joins Deborah and Dr. Whitaker to discuss some of the clinical issues that relate to energy, mitochondria, heart function, and the rapid growth of cases of diastolic heart failure.
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Healthy Talk Radio: Brain Health
Neurologist Dr. William Hammesfahr joins Deborah and Dr. Whitaker for a discussion about strokes, stroke prevention, and overall brain health
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
William Duncan
Dr. William A. Duncan serves as the main lobbyist in Washington, D.C. for the American Association for Health Freedom. He has extensive experience with health care, biomedical research, FDA policy, as well regulatory and reimbursement issues. He serves as Senior Vice President of Capitol Hill Consulting Group, where he represents a number of clients. Prior to doing government relations work, Dr. Duncan served Congressman Ernest lstook (R-OK) for ten years as his staff to the House Labor-HHS-Education appropriations subcommittee. He crafted well over 100 pieces of legislation during his time on Capitol Hill, many of which became law, and one was ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court. In the medical realm, Dr. Duncan supervised numerous legislative priorities including National Institutes of Health reforms for setting research priorities, NIH & CDC initiatives in environmental medicine, amputee services, and addressing chronic disease including diabetes and public health.

Click here to visit his website

William Hammesfahr
Dr. William Hammesfahr was nominated for the Nobel Prize for his work in Medicine and Physiology in 1999. In 2000, this work resulted in approval for the first patent in history granted for the treatment of neurological diseases including coma, stroke, brain injury, cerebral palsy, hypoxic injuries and other neurovascular disorders with medications that restore blood flow to the brain. It was extended to treat successfully disabilities including ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Tourette's and Autism. The federal government has recognized Dr. Hammesfahr’s clinical expertise, naming him Reviewer and Chief Reviewer for evaluation and funding for new clinical research programs. He has lectured and published extensively. He graduated from the Northwestern Honors Program in Medical Education in 1982, and then trained in Neurosurgery and Neurology at the Medical College in Virginia. He has received Board Certification in both Neurology and Pain Management.

Click here to visit his website