When it comes to parenting, actions speak larger than words. Children learn from watching their parents. However, they are learning bad behavior as well as the good. In this episode of our continuing series on establishing a strong marriage, Dr. Thompson will explain why young married couples must recognize and correct faulty behaviors they have picked up from their parents, before they put a strain on their new family.
Episode Segments:
Relationship Management: Family by Example As children, we learn from our parents. As adults, we use what we have learned. However, if our parents were doing something wrong, and we don’t recognize that, it may affect our own relationships.
Relationship Management: Resolving Issues Dr. Thompson discusses how to recognize and address issues from your family of origin, and why in some cases, no change takes place. Then – how parental manipulation can weaken a marriage.
Relationship Management: The Independent Child In part three, Dr. Thompson talks about how some parents want control over their children because they fear their independence. But what they don’t realize is that control is keeping their children from truly becoming their own person.
Relationship Management: The Enmeshed Child In closing, Dr. Thompson examines the people who are too enmeshed with their families of origin, often times at the sacrifice of their own family.