Wednesday • February 12
CST 12:02 | EST 1:02 | MST 11:02 | PST 10:02 | GMT 18:02
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The Shoe Diet
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Episode Segments:
Dr. Isabelle Shaw & The Shoe Diet
Dr. Shaw talks about the Shoe Diet, and how she came up with and developed the concept. She also discusses how reward and motivation works, how to use the positive to your advantage, and other things you can use as rewards if the shoegasm is something you arent familiar with.
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Other Ways to Get Motivated
If youre not into shoes, Deborah and Robin have a few more ideas on what you can use to get motivated. Plus Deborah searched the web for some motivational websites. Find out which ones she thinks might work for you, and which ones are just out to make a buck.
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Deb & Robins Reviews
Deborahs been trying a product that claims to be able to work your abs while youre watching TV? Does it work? Then Robin loves using the exercise ball and a band while working out... but does a device that combines both sound too good to be true? Plus Deborah reveals the next product shell be trying out.
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Links to Related Websites:
Order The Shoe Diet At
Can shoes actually help you lose weight? Absolutely! In The Shoe Diet, fashion and science strut down the catwalk together to help weight-obsessed America shed those extra pounds.

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Dr. Isabelle Shaw
Dr. Isabelle R. Shaw is French Canadian born and raised in Quebec. With a father from the south of France and Italian American mother, her unique heritage makes her appreciate the great diversity of life, namely great food, great fashion and of course, fabulous shoes. Isabelle has an undergraduate degree in Psychology and obtained both her master’s and Ph.D. in Biomedical Science from the University of Montreal. She has always rebelled against the stereotypical scientist “look” and is therefore known to her friends as “the fashion scientist.” She currently works in cardiovascular research and resides in St. Louis with her husband and all her shoes.

Click here to visit her website