Tuesday • February 11
CST 2:56 | EST 3:56 | MST 1:56 | PST 12:56 | GMT 20:56
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Phat Camp
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Fitness enthusiast Jen Hendershott has won both of the biggest titles in fitness: The Fitness International and the Ms. Olympia competition. In 2002, Jen established Phat Camp, a camp where women come to learn about becoming their best physically, mentally, and spiritually. Learn more about Jen and her passion, as she joins Deborah Wright on this episode of Becoming Thin Within.
Episode Segments:
The Vacation Survival Guide
Summer vacations are tough. Its a struggle to eat healthy, especially when theres nothing but junk food around you. Just ask Robin. Shes recently been through it, and lived to tell the tale.
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Phat Camp with Jen Hendershott
Fitness enthusiast Jen Hendershott talks about how she got into fitness training, how she stays motivated and shares some of her keys to success in life and losing weight. She also talks about her Phat Camp, including how it was created, and whats it all about.
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Finding your Passion
After hearing from Jen, its apparent she has found her passion in life & made the most of it. But Deb says dont be discouraged if you havent found yours yet. Plus learn about Deborahs new online support groups, and find out what Robin thinks about Crossfit training.
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Links to Related Websites:
Find Out More About Jen Hendershotts Phat Camp
What is Phat Camp? Will Jen Hendershott be at my Phat Camp? Is Phat Camp right for me? How is Phat Camp different from all the other camps? Check out the official site for answers to all your Phat Camp questions!

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Jenny Hendershott
Jen graduated from the Ohio State University in 1997 with a Bachelors of Science in Education. Two years later, she finished her second college degree with a "Bachelors Plus" degree in Elementary Education K-8. After college, her time teaching elementary school was short lived because of her love for competing. Jen has now competed in NPC/IFBB events for almost 10 years--as a professional for the last seven years. In 2002, Jen created a special fitness camp for women worldwide called Phat Camp, Inc. which continues to grow and become more popular each year! She has won both of the biggest titles in fitness: The Fitness International and the Ms. Olympia competition. She's the IFBB official fitness spokeswoman for the athletes in the sport of fitness. And she's also an advocate for fighting breast cancer and has a passion for people who need to get motivated and inspired.

Click here to visit her website