Friday • February 14
CST 5:01 | EST 6:01 | MST 4:01 | PST 3:01 | GMT 11:01
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Cardiovascular Health
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When we age, our organs don't age uniformly. Depending on your lifestyle and genetics, different parts of your body will age differently. Now your cardiovascular system is probably the most important system of your body, so its important that you keep your heart youthful. And LTN wants to help you do it. Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. Michael Murray, one of the leading natural medicine specialists in North America, and he has simple, sensible suggestions of things you can do to keep your cardiovascular system healthy.
Episode Segments:
Cardiovascular Health - Part One
Part One
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Cardiovascular Health - Part Two
Part Two
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Cardiovascular Health - Part Three
Part Three
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Cardiovascular Health - Part Four
Part Four
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