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December 19, 2020

Prostate Cancer + Exercise and the Heart
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Episode Segments:
Prostate Cancer + Exercise And The Heart
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer — second to skin cancer — among men in the U.S. One in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. Screening is important because early detection greatly improves the chances of survival. While some types of prostate cancer grow slowly, and may need minimal or even no treatment, other types are aggressive and can spread quickly. If prostate cancer is suspected, a biopsy can confirm the diagnosis.

On the next Mayo Clinic Radio program, Dr. Derek Lomas, a Mayo Clinic urologist, will discuss prostate cancer, including a new biopsy method. Also on the program, Dr. Todd Miller, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, will explain how exercise affects the heart. And Dr. Beth Robertson, a Mayo Clinic neurologist, will discuss headaches and treatment for migraines.

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