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November 11, 2011

The Bully Battle
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Should bullies be avoided or confronted? Would you know what to do if your child is bullied? We’ll have an in-depth interview. Then, do you know what the #1 killer of American teenagers is? The answer may surprise you. And an expert believes parents could prevent most of the deaths.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Bully-Proof Kids
Ben Leichtling, PhD, psychotherapist, and author of Parenting Bully-Proof Kids” and ”How to Stop Bullies in Their Tracks says bullying has become an epidemic in America. He offered advice to parents whose children are targeted. He said in certain cases, if avoiding a bully does not work, confrontation may be a reasonable solution
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InfoTrak: Teens & Car Crashes
Peter Kissinger, President and CEO of the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says car accidents are the number one cause of teenage deaths in the US. He said the most dangerous time for teens is not in the months when they have a learner’s permit, but when they get their drivers license and begin to drive independently. He outlined the most common causes of teen car crashes
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InfoTrak: The Long-term Unemployed
Almost one-third of the unemployed--nearly 4.5 million people--have had no job for a year or more. Harry Holzer, Professor and Economist at the Georgetown University Public Policy Institute says that is a record high and he views long-term unemployment as a serious problem for the nation.
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