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October 21, 2011

Short Supply of Medicine
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Imagine you’re in the hospital, and your life may depend on getting a certain prescription drug. But there isn’t any to give you. That’s the harsh reality for a growing number of Americans. Then – does big money corrupt the political process? A Harvard Law School professor and ethics expert says yes. Yes it does.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Pharmaceuticals in Short Supply
Erin Fox, PharmD, Manager of the Drug Information Service at the University of Utah Hospital in Salt Lake City discussed a growing crisis in the availability of drugs for chemotherapy, infections and other serious ailments. She said many of the shortages are caused by difficulties in the pharmaceutical manufacturing process. She offered advice to patients who may be affected.
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InfoTrak: The Constant Campaign in Congress
Lawrence Lessig, is Roy L. Furman Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and author of Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress-and a Plan to Stop It He says the average US Congressman spends between 30 and 70 percent of his workday in the pursuit of campaign money. He explained the dangerous and corrosive effect this has on the work of Congress. He believes that Americans need to get involved and demand a new Constitutional Convention, to regain control of our representational system. He said that both the Tea Party and the more recent Occupy Wall Street protestors have a common interest in government reform.
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InfoTrak: How Fast Food Ads Affect our Kids
Christopher Ferguson, PhD, psychology professor in the Department of Behavioral Sciences at Texas A&M International University led a study into the effects of fast food advertising on children. His research found that while advertising target at children is highly effective, parental influence can lessen the impact of commercials and help young kids make healthier food decisions. He offered advice for parents.
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