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August 16, 2013

Perfect Childhood, Miserable Adulthood
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Parents – if you constantly try to give your kids a perfect childhood, you may end up making them unhappy adults. A psychotherapist explains. Then, Star Trek technology isn’t just a fantasy. One doctor says it’s changing health care every day.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: The Obsession with Kids’ Happiness
Lori Gottlieb, PhD, psychotherapist who focuses on marriage and family therapy, author, contributor to the magazine and website, “The Atlantic” believes that many modern parents are too obsessed with the happiness of their children and will do nearly anything to spare their kids from even mild discomfort, anxiety or disappointment. She said this form of parenting often dooms children to unhappy adulthoods.
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InfoTrak: TeleMedicine
Rapid improvements in technology are revolutionizing the medical profession. Dr. William Hanson co-author of Work at Home Now talked about hi-tech advancements such as diagnostic smartphone apps and telemedicine that have recently become commonplace tools for doctors. He explained how these new trends can benefit patients and what other breakthroughs may be on the horizon.
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InfoTrak: Idle Thoughts
Some environmental groups have recently recommended that motorists turn off their car anytime they will be idling more than ten seconds. Philip Reed, Senior Consumer Advice Editor at discussed the wisdom of this advice, and potential safety and car maintenance concerns. He offered other practical suggestions for drivers who would like to reduce pollution and fuel costs.
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