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July 19, 2013

Your Future Economic Downturn
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We all know the economic recession has impacted those of working age. But a new study says it will also slam your future retirement. Then a routine hospital stay can result in a deadly bloodstream infection. We talk to a doctor for the startling facts, and to find out what you can do about it.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: How the Recession will Hurt Your Retirement
Karen E. Smith, Senior Research Associate with the Income and Benefits Policy Center at the Urban Institute co-authored a study for the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, which found that the Great Recession may have permanently reduced future retirees’ incomes by an average of $2,300 a year. She explained the reasons behind this finding, who will be most affected, and how Americans can try to mitigate the damage to their retirement savings.
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InfoTrak: Preventing Hospital Infections
31,000 Americans die each year as a result of bloodstream infections that occur during hospitalization. Dr. Peter Pronovost, author of Safe Patients, Smart Hospitals is on a state-by-state crusade to prevent these deaths with a simple infection-reduction checklist for hospital personnel. This free program has virtually eliminated infections in participating hospitals.
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InfoTrak: The Harlem Children’s Zone
Paul Tough, editor at the New York Times Magazine, nationally-recognized writer on poverty, education and the achievement gap discussed a groundbreaking anti-poverty initiative called the Harlem Children’s Zone. The creator of the program theorized that in order for poor kids to compete with their middle-class peers, everything in their lives—their schools, neighborhoods, parenting practices—all must be changed at once.
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