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July 05, 2013

Is Your Driveway Dangerous?
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You may live far away from any toxic waste dumps, but could your driveway or a nearby parking lot be full of hazardous, cancer-causing chemicals? Then, it's summertime, where people slather or spray on the sunscreen. But what do you really know about the product you use?
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: The Hidden Danger in Your Driveway
Research Hydrologist Barbara J. Mahler recently authored a U.S. Geological Survey report that noted that many common driveway sealants are made of coal tar, which contains dangerous carcinogens. USGS research found that many homes with black driveways have surprisingly large doses of carcinogens in their household dust. She talked about the potential health consequences and explained how consumers can determine if a driveway sealant contains coal tar.
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InfoTrak: Sunscreen Safety
Sonya Lunder, expert in environmental health, Senior Analyst at Environmental Working Group said her organization tested 600 beach and sport sunscreens and only about 20% met their standards for safety and effectiveness. She explained what consumers need to know when choosing a sunscreen product. She also noted that high-SPF products often give a false sense of security, and that sunscreens might actually increase the risk of the deadliest form of skin cancer for some people. She also explained why European consumers have better choices in sunscreens than Americans.

Image: Michal Marcol /

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InfoTrak: Build a Great Business
Mark Thompson and Brian Tracy, experts in entrepreneurism, and authors of Now, Build a Great Business!: 7 Ways to Maximize Your Profits in Any Market explained why tough economic times can actually be a good time to start a business. They talked about the importance of a business plan and how to find great potential employees.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy is one of America's leading authorities on the development of human potential and personal effectiveness. A dynamic and inspiring speaker, he addresses thousands of people each year on the subjects of personal and professional development, including the executives and staff of such firms as IBM, Arthur Andersen, McDonnell Douglas, and The Million Dollar Round Table. Prior to founding his own firm, Brian Tracy International, he had successful careers in sales and marketing, investments, real estate development, distribution, and management consulting. Tracy is the author of thirteen previous books including the bestselling book Maximum Achievement. He is also the author/narrator of numerous bestselling audiocassette programs, including The Psychology of Achievement and How to Start and Succeed in Your Own Business.

Brian's Website

Mark Thompson
One of the most successful senior business communication executives and angel investors of our time, Mark C. Thompson is Charles Schwab's former Chief Customer Experience Officer, Chief Communications Officer and Executive Producer of his tenure, Schwab's client assets grew ten-fold to more than $800 billion dollars in over 5 million accounts.Thompson is Chairman of the American Express Leadership Series on Facebook for Peter Drucker's Leader to Leader Institute. The series features Jim Collins, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Ford CEO Alan Mulally, Zappos founder Tony Hsieh and over 100 other leaders. Thompson is a Member of the Board of the Leader to Leader Institute and is an investor and advisor to 8 companies. He has served on the faculty of the World Economic Forum, John F. Kennedy University, and a scholar at Stanford University.

Mark's website

Barbara J. Mahler
Barbara grew up in northern California, where she learned to appreciate the value of water. She received a B. Mus. in performance at Boston University; in 1986 she moved to Austin, Texas. Combining her interest in water, mathematics, and the outdoors, she enrolled at the University of Texas and received her Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Geology, with an emphasis on karst hydrology. Her principal research interests are water quality of karst systems and source and fate of contaminated sediment.

USGS Website