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January 02, 2016

The Crime Numbers Game
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When crime numbers go down, it’s good news for everyone. But what if those numbers were manipulated? We talk to a former police captain. Then, seventy-five percent of three to five year olds are in some form of child care. And an expert says these kids aren’t getting enough exercise.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: The Crime Numbers Game
John A. Eterno, Ph.D., former Captain with the New York City Police Department, and co-author of The Crime Numbers Game: Management by Manipulation conducted the first scientific examination of crime statistics manipulation in the New York City Police Department. He explained how increasing pressure to show decreasing crime rates by any means necessary has affected police departments throughout the United States. He discussed how this affects crime victims and explained what citizens can do, to ensure that their local police department is reporting crime statistics in an honest manner.
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InfoTrak: Lack of Exercise in Preschool
75% of young children in the US are in some form of pre-school or daycare outside the home. Kristen Copeland, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center conducted a study that found that most children in day care get far too little exercise. She explained the reasons behind this trend and why parents should be concerned. She outlined the types of questions parents should ask when they are looking for a pre-school or daycare center.
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InfoTrak: Less Frequent Oil Changes
Today’s cars no longer need to have their oil changed every 3,000 miles. Phil Reed, Senior Consumer Advice Editor at Edmunds.com talked about design improvements in recent years, and how drivers can decide when it really is time for an oil change. He talked about the positive effects of this rapidly advancing technology for both the environment and consumers’ pocketbooks.
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