They say wisdom comes with age, and our nation’s older generations have a lot to share. We’ll talk to an expert who says we all need to tap into this hard earned knowledge before it’s gone. Then, as America’s unemployment crisis continues, you may be asking where did the jobs go?
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Lessons on Living Karl Pillemer, PhD, author of 30 Lessons On Living: Tried and True Advice from the Wisest Americans interviewed more than 1,000 Americans over the age of 65 to seek their counsel on all of life’s big issues: children, marriage, money, career and aging. He explained why younger people should take advantage of this rich resource of older Americans’ wisdom. He recommends that young people talk to older members of their own family before it is too late.
InfoTrak: Where Did the Jobs Go? The subject of unemployment remains the public's top concern in polls and is continually marked as the most damaging result of the Great Recession. Policy analyst Scott Bittle, author of Where Did the Jobs Go And How Do We Get Them Back? explained why the issue is so complex and why the nation needs to take a long-term approach to resolving it. He also analyzed various solutions proposed by each side of the political spectrum.
InfoTrak: Oversalted Nine out of 10 Americans get too much sodium in their diets. John Hayes, PhD, Assistant Professor of Food Science and Director of the Sensory Evaluation Center at Penn State University discussed a recent government report that found that just 10 foods are responsible for 44 percent of the sodium in the average diet. He outlined steps to cut sodium intake and the reasons why everyone should do it.