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December 28, 2013

Preventing Alzheimer's
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Every seventy seconds, another American is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Will you be one of the millions? Then, is our high-tech world leaving teens struggling to communicate? Parents can help their kids learn to speak, write and connect with others.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Alzheimer's Prevention Program
About 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, and that number is expected to triple in the next few decades. Dr. Gary Small, author of The Alzheimer's Prevention Program: Keep Your Brain Healthy for the Rest of Your Life talked about the most common risk factors, and the simple steps that can to taken to prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
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InfoTrak: Engaging Your Kids
Today’s young people are more “connected” than any other generation in history, but many have difficulties with face-to-face social connections. Business consultant, Maribeth Kuzmeski author of The Engaging Child: Raising Children to Speak, Write, and Have Relationship Skills Beyond Technology” explained why many teens can barely carry on a basic conversation and have trouble articulating what they want or need. She outlined steps that parents can take to encourage the growth of communication and social skills in their children.
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InfoTrak: Your Headphones Can Hurt You
Wearing earphones while walking, biking or driving can be much riskier than most people think. Dr. Richard Lichenstein , Director of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Research at the University of Maryland School of Medicine recently conducted a study that found that headphone-related deaths have tripled in the past/several years. He explained who is most likely to become a victim and the reasons that this behavior is so dangerous.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Dr. Gary Small
Dr. Gary Small is a professor of psychiatry and director of the UCLA Center on Aging at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior. His research, supported by the National Institute of Health, has made headlines in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and USA Today. Scientific American magazine named him one of the world’s leading innovators in science and technology. Dr. Small lectures throughout the world and frequently appears on The Today Show, Good Morning American, PBS, and CNN. He has written five books, including The New York Times best seller, The Memory Bible.

Dr. Small's Website

Maribeth Kuzmeski
Maribeth Kuzmeski and her firm, Red Zone Marketing consult and speak for businesses from financial services firms to Fortune 500 corporationson strategic marketing planning and business growth. Maribeth has personally consulted with some of the world’s most successful CEO’s, entrepreneurs and professionals. An internationally recognized speaker, she shares the tactics that businesspeople use today to create more sustainable business relationships and sales and marketing successes. Maribeth has written 6 books including the bestsellers “…And The Clients Went Wild!” (Wiley, 2010), and “The Connectors” (Wiley, 2009). Her newest book is written with her teenage daughter,"The Engaging Child: Raising Children to Speak, Write, and Have Relationship Skills Beyond Technology" (2011). She is an international keynote speaker, a member of Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) and is a regular media contributor appearing on Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS, WGN-TV, and in publications including The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, The New York Times,Entrepreneur, and Forbes. Maribeth is also very involved in charity and has her own foundation supporting youth leadership and education, The Red Zone Leadership Foundation. Maribeth has a degree in journalism from Syracuse University and has an MBA in Marketing from The George Washington University. She also has her Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association. Maribeth lives in the Chicago, IL area with her husband Rich and 2 teenagers.

Red Zone Marketing