Sunday • February 16
CST 10:34 | EST 11:34 | MST 9:34 | PST 8:34 | GMT 04:34
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Plastic Surgery Myths
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The world is littered with misinformation about plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery has become the medical profession's unofficial reality television star, and it is more popular than ever. Consumers are frustrated by an overwhelming mass of information from uncertain sources and a shortage of facts. Our guest wants to bring you those facts. Dr. Michael Vennemeyer is the author of Plastic Surgery Myths Dispelled: A Consumer's Guide.
Episode Segments:
The Staying Young Show: Dr. Michael Vennemeyer

Plastic Surgery Myths Dispelled shatters the rumors and sets the record straight. Written board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Vennemeyer, this guide empowers you to make well-informed decisions about cosmetic surgery. It is enjoyable to read and will make plastic surgery make sense!
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Michael Vennemeyer
Dr. Michael Vennemeyer is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and practices in Southlake, Texas. His practice focuses exclusively on cosmetic plastic surgery and welcomes attracts patients from across the United States. He was recognized as one of America's Top Surgeons in the field of Plastic Surgery by the Consumer's Research Council of America in 2010 and received the 2010 Patients' Choice Award. He was also named a top Cosmetic Surgeon in 2010 by the Docs Rate Docs survey sponsored by The Columbus Dispatch and WBNS-TV Channel 10. He enjoys writing about plastic surgery to educate consumers. Beyond his book, "Plastic Surgery Myths Dispelled: A Consumer's Guide," he is an avid blogger of plastic surgery topics on his website. Visit for more information.

Dr. Vennemeyer's Website