Friday • February 07
CST 5:33 | EST 6:33 | MST 4:33 | PST 3:33 | GMT 11:33
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Nutrition and Your Health
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Today's show is about the role your nutrition plays in your health. You are, after all, what you eat. Our guest is Dr. Terry Wahls, author of The Wahls Protocol. She has an amazing personal story of about how nutrition saved her life, when it look like all hope was gone, and her doctors had given up.
Episode Segments:
The Staying Young Show: Nutrition and Your Health

er body ravaged by secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, Dr. Terry Wahls spent nearly four years dependent upon a tilt-recline wheelchair. The photographs reveal the remarkable changes which occurred between 2007 and 2009. One year after beginning the intensive directed nutrition and neuromuscular electrical stimulation interventions which she designed, Dr. Wahls was able to complete a 18 miles bicycle tour. The following year she completed a trail ride in the Canadian Rockies.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Terry Wahls
Dr. Wahls is a clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Iowa where she sees teaches residents and medical students in primary care and traumatic brain injury clinics. She also conducts clinical research and has over a hundred abstracts, oral presentations and publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and meetings. Dr. Wahls is the process of conducting a clinical trials testing the efficacy of intensive, directed nutrition and neuromuscular electrical stimulation in the setting of secondary and primary progressive multiple sclerosis. She is also committed to helping the public learn about the connection between the foods we eat and the health we have or do not have. Her Food as Medicine lecture series has transformed the lives of thousands. Terry lives in Iowa City with her spouse, Jackie, and has two children.

More about Dr. Wahls