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Cindy Perlin and The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments
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f you’re in chronic pain and you’re not getting adequate relief from your treatment, You need to read Cindy Perlin's book. You don’t have to “learn to live with your pain” or put up with unpleasant side effects from your medication. There are treatments available that could safely cure your pain.

The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments reviews the evidence for the safety and effectiveness of a wide variety of treatments as well as how organized medicine is keeping you from getting the care you need and deserve. It’s a comprehensive guide to avoiding the treatments that don’t work or are likely to cause harm and selecting the therapies that are most likely to promote healing.

Cindy's book website is She's the creator of an online alternative pain treatment directory that has everything pain patients need to feel better. You can find the directory at You can find her on Facebook at The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments and on Twitter @cindyperlin1.
Episode Segments:
Cindy Perlin
Cindy Perlin is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, certified biofeedback practitioner, chronic pain survivor and the author of The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free. She lives and works in the Albany, NY area, where she has been helping people improve their physical and emotional well-being for over 25 years
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Links to Related Websites:
The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best And Worst Strategies For Becoming Pain Free
If you're in chronic pain and you're not getting adequate relief from your treatment, this book is for you. You don't have to "learn to live with your pain" or put up with unpleasant side effects from your medication. The good news is that there are treatments available that could safely cure your pain.

Alternative Pain Treatment Directory
Don't let your doctor talk you into unnecessary surgery or dangerous drugs to treat your pain. There are safer, more effective ways to achieve relief from your suffering. You can find out all about them in this directory.

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Cindy Perlin
I became highly motivated to learn about effective chronic pain treatments after I developed severe, disabling back pain when I was 25 years old. The doctors I consulted with were unable to find the cause of my pain, and they prescribed drugs which didn’t help and were potentially dangerous.

After enduring agonizing pain for more than three years, a friend suggested that I read a book about the mind/body connection, which, among other ideas talked about healing through “laughter therapy” and biofeedback. I consulted a biofeedback therapist who taught me that worrying about pain only made it worse, and that I could use my mind to reduce my pain by learning to relax. After the initial session, I was astonished to find that my pain was already reduced by 50% because I knew that I could have some control over my pain instead of fearing it.

These experiences encouraged me to explore other non-pharmacological approaches to healing pain. My health improved enough that I was able to return to work full-time and also complete my Master’s Degree in Social Work.

Another later experience with chronic foot pain taught me that pain can have many different causes and that you need to determine the cause in order to find the right treatment.

Along the way, I shared my successes with everyone I knew. I realized my passion was to help people heal. I became a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and certified biofeedback practitioner. For the last 25 years I have helped my clients improve their emotional and physical well-being through my private practice near Albany, NY. You can learn more about my clinical work at

I wrote The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst Strategies For Becoming Pain Free to educate health care providers and patients about how to end the epidemic of chronic pain that is ruining the lives of 100 million Americans and more than a billion people around the world.

Cindy's Website