Tuesday • February 11
CST 3:05 | EST 4:05 | MST 2:05 | PST 1:05 | GMT 21:05
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Sarah Shockley's Healing Journey
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Our return guest is Sarah Anne Shockley , author of THE PAIN COMPANION: Everyday Wisdom for Living with and Moving Beyond Chronic Pain. Sarah shares her story, and what led her to write her book. Then, Necie discusses using a journal and social media can help you manage your chronic pain.
Episode Segments:
The Pain Free Zone: Sarah Shockley
Sarah discusses her battle with Thoracic outlet syndrome, and the steps she took to try and deal with the chronic pain. Since there was little available to her in terms of treatments, either because she couldn't afford them or because they simply didn't exist, she was left to my own devices. She found that constantly trying to battle with pain - get rid of it, avoid it, not feel it, or push it away - was more exhausting and frustrating than it was productive. What she needed was a healing modality which included pain as part of her healing journey as an integral part of the process rather than putting so much energy into eradicating it.
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