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April 20, 2014

Women and the Corporate Ladder
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A recent study revealed that corporations may be shortchanging future growth by not promotion more women to senior positions. But what can women do differently to land those top jobs? Then, a science writer believes we can all look forward to an abundant future, because technology and other factors will transform life as we know it.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Women in Leadership Roles
Anne Perschel, PhD, leadership and organizational psychologist, President and Founder of Germane Consulting recently co-authored a paper that concluded that corporations are leaving money on the table and forgoing future success by failing to move more women into senior leadership roles. She discussed the various obstacles faced by women who want to move up the corporate ladder and made suggestions on how to overcome them.
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InfoTrak: Towards the Future
Steven Kotler, science writer, author of Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think believes that four powerful social and technological trends are converging today that will improve the lives of billions of people across the globe in the near future. He explained how governments, industry and entrepreneurs can adapt to these changing forces and harness them to solve the world’s biggest problems, including shortages of water, food, energy and education.
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InfoTrak: Minorities and Retirement
Alison Borland, is Vice President of Retirement Product Strategy at Aon Hewitt, a human resources firm based in Chicago. The Great Recession has led many Americans to dip into their retirement savings early, but minorities have withdrawn much more than other racial and ethnic groups, according to a new study from Ms. Borland’s firm. She explained why Blacks and Hispanics have made these decisions and what they can do to shore up depleted 401(k) accounts.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Anne Perschel
Dr. Anne Perschel, president and founder of Germane Consulting, is a leadership and organizational psychologist with over 15 years experience. She is a coach, consultant and trusted adviser to leaders in local, national and global companies. Anne has a track record of coaching clients who are promoted for their achievements within 1-2 years and collaborating with leaders to transform their organizations. Altera Corporation, Philips Medical, CVS, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, and Girl Scouts of America are among her clients. Anne has also held management positions at two Fortune 50 companies. She has a doctorate in psychology, a master’s degree in organization behavior and is a Master Executive Coach and guest lecturer with Mass School of Professional Psychology Coach Certification Program. Her articles have appeared in Global Business an Organizational Excellence; Washington Post “On Leadership;” PINK, a national women’s professional magazine; Boston Herald and The Glass Hammer. She is also consulted and interviewed for articles in Business Week, China Daily, Ragan Communications, and Forbes Magazine’s women’s edition. Anne is V.P. of Programs, New England Society of Applied Psychology and serves on the board of Girl Scouts of Central and Western Mass. She is also on the membership committee of Human Resource Leadership Forum; and a member of New England Human Resource Association, Organization Development Learning Group, and Boston Facilitator’s Roundtable.

Germane Consulting

Steven Kotler
Steven Kotler is a bestselling author and an award-winning journalist. His books include the non-fiction works: Abundance, A Small, Furry Prayer, and West of Jesus, and the novel The Angle Quickest for Flight. His articles have appeared in over 60 publications, including: New York Times Magazine, Wired, Discover, Popular Science, Outside, GQ, and National Geographic. He writes “The Playing Field,” a blog about the science of sport and culture for Kotler is also the co-founder and director of research at the Flow Genome Project, an international organization devoted to putting flow state research on a hard science footing, and the co-founder of the New Mexico-based Rancho de Chihuahua dog sanctuary. He has a BA in English/Creative Writing from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and an MA from the John Hopkins University in Creative Writing.

Abundance Website