When you go in a store to buy something you may not think about the hidden psychology behind prices. But not knowing could end up costing you. Then, millions of people complain about stress. But it seems like nobody does anything about it. An MD shares her advice for today’s over-the-top anxiety levels.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Priceless William Poundstone, author of Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value (and How to Take Advantage of It discussed psychologists’ current understanding of human decision making, and how marketers use that information to maximize the amount that consumers will pay for products. He explained how the psychology of price affects many surprising aspects of Americans’ lives, and how consumers can better understand what money and prices really mean.
InfoTrak: Fighting Superstress Roberta Lee, MD, City, author of The Superstress Solution believes that a lifestyle of little sleep and exercise and a lot of work is resulting in a condition she calls “superstress” for many Americans. She said superstress leads to depression, weight gain, heart disease and many other illnesses. She offered suggestions on how to deal with repair the effects of stress and build inner resilience.
InfoTrak: Hack-Proof Passwords Bruce Schneier, internationally recognized security technologist, Chief Security Technology Officer of BT Corp., author of Schneier on Security discussed a recent study that examined the most commonly hacked computer passwords. Many people choose passwords that are far too easy to guess. He outlined ways to choose and remember a very secure password.