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August 02, 2020

Smart Kids Getting Short Changed
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The smartest kids in America grow up to be highly successful adults. But they may be getting short-changed in school, with most education systems putting the majority of their resources towards average students. Then, what lessons can be learned from trailblazing women who have reached the top in business? A journalist explains what it takes to break the glass ceiling.
Episode Segments:
Gifted Students, Successful Adults
Jonathon Wai, PhD, Psychologist and Research Scientist at the Duke University is one of the researches involved in a 45 year study of intellectually gifted children. He noted that kids who test in the top 1% tend to become the nation’s eminent scientists and academics, Fortune 500 CEOs and federal judges, senators and billionaires. He said, because of the focus on lower performing students, youngsters who show an early aptitude for subjects like science and math tend not to receive the help they need. He offered several simple steps schools can take to help gifted students reach their full potential.
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What it takes to break the glass ceiling
Joann S. Lublin, Management News Editor for the Wall Street Journal and author of Earning It: Hard-Won Lessons from Trailblazing Women at the Top of the Business World said that, although career prospects have improved, progress is still frustratingly slow for women hoping to break the glass ceiling in large companies. She explained what it takes for women to climb to corporate heights in America, such as finding a career mentor.
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The Safety of City Life
Contrary to what many believe, living in the city is far less risky than in the country, according to a study Dr. Sage R. Myers, MD, MSCE, Assistant Professor in Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine recently completed. She said that although homicides in cities still outpace those in rural areas, the risk of dying from some form of accident or injury is 20 percent greater in rural counties. She explained how this research can be used for future planning of trauma centers and other improvements to the medical system.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Joann S. Lublin
Joann S. Lublin is management news editor for The Wall Street Journal. She writes about such issues as executive pay, corporate governance and CEO succession. "Your Executive Career,'' her advice column, appears monthly. In 2003, she was part of a Journal team awarded the Pulitzer Prize for stories about corporate scandals.

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