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September 20, 2014

Helping Others Through Social Media
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Want to make a positive difference in the world? Millions of people do. And now social media is making it possible for anyone to help people all over the planet. Then, a once-barely recognizable disorder now impacts millions, including a shocking number of children. It’s called ADHD, and we have ways for parents to deal with it. And, what you can do to avoid BPA.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Social Change Through Social Media

Jennifer Aaker, PhD, is a social psychologist and co-author of The Dragonfly Effect: Quick, Effective, and Powerful Ways To Use Social Media to Drive Social Change She outlined ways to use the power and popularity of social media to do good in the world. She offered examples of how innovative social media tools can invite participation and permit communication with potential supporters.
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InfoTrak: ADHD on the Rise

Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, Senior Certified ADHD Coach, and author of Empowering Youth with ADHD: Your Guide to Coaching Adolescents and Young Adults for Coaches, Parents, and Professionals talked about the increasing cases of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder among American’s youth and adults. She said medication and therapy often are not enough. She explained how parents may try to deal with the problem, and how an ADHD coach can help.
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InfoTrak: America’s BPA Problem

Erick Schreder, Staff Scientist at the Washington Toxics Coalition was the lead scientist of a report that found that half of thermal paper receipts and 95% of dollar bills in circulation contain the hormone-disrupting chemical BPA. She said BPA is now present in 93% of all Americans. She explained the negative health consequences of BPA and what consumers can do to avoid it.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Jennifer Aaker
A social psychologist and marketer, Jennifer Aaker is the General Atlantic Professor of Marketing at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. Her research spans time, money and happiness. She focuses on questions such as: What actually makes people happy, as opposed to what they think make them happy? How do small acts create significant change, and how can those effects be fueled by social media? She is widely published in the leading scholarly journals in psychology and marketing, and her work has been featured in a variety of media including The Economist, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, BusinessWeek, Forbes, CBS MoneyWatch, NPR, Science, Inc, and Cosmopolitan. A sought-after teacher in the field of marketing, Professor Aaker teaches in many of Stanford’s Executive Education programs as well as MBA electives including Building Innovative Brands, How to Tell a Story, and The Power of Social Technology. Recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award, Citibank Best Teacher Award, George Robbins Best Teacher Award and both the Spence and Fletcher Jones Faculty Scholar Awards, she has also taught at UC Berkeley, UCLA and Columbia. A homegrown Californian, Jennifer has studied at the Sorbonne, and counts winning a dance-off in the early 1980’s among her most impressive accomplishments.

The Dragonfly Effect Blog

Jodi Sleeper-Triplett
Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, president of JST Coaching, LLC, is the founder of the movement for ADHD coaching for youth and has been working with young people for nearly 35 years. As cofounder of the Institute for the Advancement of ADHD Coaching and director of coach training for the Edge Foundation, she is seen by many of her peers as the foremost expert in the field of ADHD coaching for youth. Throughout her career, Jodi has worked tirelessly to support the needs and advocate for the rights of children with ADHD, learning disabilities, and developmental disabilities. She is a long-standing volunteer for CHADD at the national, regional, and local levels. Jodi completed her coach training with the Coaches Training Institute, Success Unlimited Network, and the American Coaching Association and graduated from the unique BDIC Program at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, with a B.A. in human services/mental health. She has professional memberships with CHADD, ADDA, LDA, ICF, ACO, IAAC, and ACA.

The Edge Foundation