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July 08, 2018

Buyers and Sellers
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You might think the economics of buying and selling only apply to financial purchases. But an expert believes these rules also impact your chance of finding a job or getting in to a good college. Then, a top doctor says you can drastically cut your risk of heart attack or stroke just by making the right decisions.
Episode Segments:
Who Gets What and Why
Alvin E. Roth, PhD , author of “Who Gets What — and Why: The New Economics of Matchmaking and Market Design is one of the world’s leading experts on matching markets, where “sellers” and “buyers” must choose each other, and price isn’t the only factor that determines who gets what. He explained how market designs affect many less obvious aspects of life, such as the chances of getting a job or whether a university accepts a prospective student.
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The Whole Heart Soultion
Joel Kahn, MD is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine and Director of Cardiac Wellness, Michigan Healthcare Professionals PC, and author of The Whole Heart Solution. According to Dr. Kahn, more than 75 percent of cases of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular disease events are preventable. He explained how lifestyle choices can make a huge difference in the development of heart disease and he said changes in diet and exercise can often reverse the disease.
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The Harlem Children's Zone
Paul Tough, former editor at the New York Times Magazine, nationally recognized writer on poverty, education and the achievement gap discussed a groundbreaking anti-poverty initiative called the Harlem Children’s Zone. The creator of the program theorized that in order for poor kids to compete with their middle-class peers, everything in their lives—their schools, neighborhoods, parenting practices—all must be changed at once.
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