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December 31, 2016

The Photoshop Effect
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A perfect face and body are unattainable for most people. Yet the media offers a steady stream of physical perfection. Do all of those photoshopped images effect how women see themselves? Then, the internet help us connect with others. But are smartphones and the web keeping us from being alone with our thoughts?
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: The Photoshop Effect

Professor Aimée Morrison discussed the synthetic perfection in nearly every image we see today, and how that affects women and their self images. She explained why the Photoshopping of nearly every image we see in the media has caused an increase in body insecurity among women. She believes the trend has actually has reached a tipping point, where consumers are starting to be turned off by the unattainable images in advertising messages.
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Infotrak: Losing Touch

2. Michael Harris, is author of The End of Absence, Reclaiming What We've Lost in a World of Constant Connection. Mr. Harris believes that we now live in an age that lacks solitude, and the time we once used to be alone with our own thoughts is now filled with social media and technology.
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InfoTrak: The Difference A Day Makes

Author Karen Jones suggested quick and simple actions anyone can take to make a positive difference in the world around them, to fight scourges like homelessness, racism and poverty. She explained what she calls philantherapy, actions such as volunteering or donating that emotionally benefit the donor.
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