September 26, 2015
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Stewart Friedman Stew Friedman has been on the Wharton faculty since 1984. He became the Management Department’s first Practice Professor for his work on applying theory and research to the real challenges facing organizations. As founding director of the Wharton Leadership Program, in 1991 he initiated the required MBA and Undergraduate leadership courses. He is also founding director of Wharton’s Work/Life Integration Project. Stew’s most recent book is Baby Bust: New Choices for Men and Women in Work and Family ( Wharton Digital Press, October, 2013). Prior to that was his award-winning bestseller, Total Leadership: Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life (Harvard Business Press, 2008), which has been translated into six languages. The program it describes is his challenging Wharton course, in which participants complete an intensive series of real-world exercises designed to increase their leadership capacity and performance in all parts of their lives by better integrating them, while working in high-involvement peer-to-peer coaching relationships and completing much of the activity online in a cutting-edge social learning environment. Total Leadership is used by individuals and companies worldwide, including as a primary intervention in a multi-year study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, on improving the careers and lives of women in medicine. More About Dr. Friedman |
Brad J. Bushman Brad J. Bushman is a professor of communication and psychology at The Ohio State University, where he holds the Margaret Hall and Robert Randal Rinehart Chair of Mass Communication. He is also a professor of communication science at the VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He studies the causes, consequences, and solutions to the problem of human aggression and violence. He also studies the impact of the media on prosocial behavior. His research has challenged several myths (e.g., violent media have a trivial effect on aggression, venting anger reduces aggression, violent people suffer from low self-esteem, violence and sex on TV sell products, warning labels reduce audience size). (One of his colleagues calls him the "myth buster.") He has about 150 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including in the top scientific journals (e.g., Science, Nature, PNAS). His research has been featured on television (e.g., ABC News 20/20, CBS Evening News, Discovery Channel, Jim Lehrer NewsHour, Showtime Penn & Teller: Bullshit!), on radio (BBC, NPR, CBC, ABC, CBS, NBC News Radio) in magazines (e.g., Scientific American, Newsweek, Time, Health, Sports Illustrated), and in newspapers (e.g., New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, USA Today, The Times of London). More About Dr. Bushman |