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October 19, 2012

Crisis of Connection
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What’s it like to grow up an an American male? And why do many older teen boys struggle to find acceptance and belonging with their peers? We’ll talk to an expert for an eye opening interview. Then - when it comes time to upgrade those old appliances, there’s more to consider than color and size. Careful shopping can save you cash in the long run.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Boys' Friendships and The Crisis of Connection

Dr. Niobe Way, PhD, Professor of Applied Psychology at New York University, and Director of the Ph.D. program in Developmental Psychology, author of Deep Secrets: Boys' Friendships and the Crisis of Connection discussed her research into myths about boys, friendships, and human nature. She said boys in their early and mid-teens often develop close friendships with other boys, but in late adolescence, boys feel they have to “man up” by becoming stoic and independent. She explained how our culture discourages male friendships, and what parents can do to encourage their sons to build these critical relationships and fundamental human skills.
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InfoTrak: Energy Efficient Appliances

Jennifer Amann, Buildings Program Director, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, co-author of the organization’s Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings talked about the wisest ways to shop for energy-efficient appliances like refrigerators and washing machines. She explained how consumers can evaluate the energy costs and offered tips on how to reduce the amount of wasted energy from electronics that are not in use.
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InfoTrak: Politics and the Office

Politics and the presidential election are hot topics around the water cooler. But labor and employment attorney Charles Wilson said that it is wise for employees to avoid political discussions at work. He also explained why private employers are permitted to set up policies that limit employees’ First Amendment rights in the workplace. He said that in order to avoid accusations of discrimination, employers must strive to be neutral in dealing with employees’ views on political candidates.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Niobe Way
Niobe Way is Professor of Applied Psychology in the Department of Applied Psychology at New York University. She is also the co-Director of the Center for Research on Culture, Development, and Education at NYU and the President for the Society for Research on Adolescence. She received her doctorate from Harvard University in Human Development and Psychology and was an NIMH postdoctoral fellow in the psychology department at Yale University. Way’s research focuses on the intersections of culture, context, and human development. Way is a nationally recognized leader in the field of adolescent development and in the use of mixed methods; she has been studying the social and emotional development of girls and boys for over two decades. Way’s sole authored books include: Everyday Courage: The Lives and Stories of Urban Teenagers (NYU Press, 1998); and Deep Secrets: Boys’ Friendships and the Crisis of Connection (Harvard University Press, 2011). Her co-edited or co-authored books include: Urban Girls: Resisting Stereotypes, Creating Identities (NYU press, 1996); Adolescent Boys: Exploring Diverse Cultures of Boyhood (NYU Press, 2004). and Growing up Fast: Transitions to Adulthood among Inner City Adolescent Mothers (Erlbaum Press, 2001). The latter co-authored book (with Bonnie Leadbeater) received the Best Book Award from the Society of Research on Adolescence (2002). Way also regularly publishes blogs for the Huffington Post and other websites. Her work has been discussed in the New Yorker, the New York Times, on National Public Radio, and other national media sites.

Niobe's Website

Jennifer Amann
Jennifer Thorne Amann promotes residential and commercial whole building performance improvements, explores behavioral approaches to improving energy efficiency, and analyzes the impacts of stronger appliance efficiency standards. She has authored dozens of publications and articles on appliances, lighting, consumer electronics, equipment installation practices, emerging residential and commercial building technologies, and the progress of market transformation initiatives, among others. In addition, Jennifer is lead author of ACEEE's popular Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings, now in its ninth edition. Jennifer serves on the Board of Directors of the National Home Performance Council. She joined ACEEE in 1997. Prior to joining ACEEE, she worked in the environmental technology field plus community organizing and education on a variety of environmental and consumer issues. Jennifer earned a Master of Environmental Studies from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies from Trinity University.

American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy