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July 13, 2019

Burglar Behavior
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We have the results of a fascinating international study of burglars, that reveals how thieves find vulnerable homes, where they go once they are inside, and which items they often steal. Then, there is power in a diverse work force. Yet many companies don’t go the extra mile towards being inclusive. We’ll hear from a business expert.
Episode Segments:
Burglar Behavior
Claire Nee, PhD, Director of the International Centre for Research in Forensic Psychology, University of Portsmouth, UK led an international study of the behavior of burglars. She discussed the surprising degree of knowledge and skill of experienced thieves in choosing which home to target, how to navigate inside and what to take. She offered crime prevention suggestions to make a home less vulnerable to burglary.
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Diversity in the Workplace
Raafi-Karim Alidina, expert in building equality, diversity and inclusive cultures in organizations, co-author of Building an Inclusive Organization: Leveraging the Power of a Diverse Workforce said in the world of business, diversity is often given lip service, if it receives any attention at all. He explained why diversity and inclusion is crucial to the survival of companies. He outlined steps that business leaders can take to make themselves and their companies more inclusive
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Parenting with a Purpose
Chick Moorman, educator, co-author of The 10 Commitments: Parenting with Purpose talked about the verbal skills that parents should have to raise responsible and confident children. He offered tips on how parents can discipline their children in positive ways to create a culture of accountability.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Claire Nee
Claire Nee joined the Department in 1996 from the Home Office Research and Statistics Directorate. She is the Director of the International Centre for Research in Forensic Psychology which encompasses her own work and that of 14 other members of staff within the Department (Lucy Akehurst, Dee Anand, Julie Cherryman, Simon Easton, Jackie Hillman, Anne Hillstrom, Lorraine Hope, Sharon Leal, Samantha Mann, Adrian Needs, James Ost, Dominic Pearson, Jim Sauer and Aldert Vrij); several postgraduates; and a number of high-profile external members from across the globe. It brings together considerable departmental expertise in detecting deception, child witnesses, investigative interviewing, offending behaviour, eye-witness memory and false memory syndrome with other external collaborators of world renowned reputation. Claire was an Associate Editor of the BPS journal Legal and Criminological Psychology from 2007-2011.

Learn More About Dr. Nee

Raafi-Karim Alidina
Raafi is a consultant with Frost Included, working with clients to help create more inclusive workplace cultures. His expertise is particularly in data analysis and measurement of inclusion and using behavioural economics to create more diverse and inclusive environments.

He was a Research Fellow at the Center for Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School, where, under the guidance of Dr Hannah Riley Bowles, he did research on implicit gender bias in negotiations. He was also previously an International Development and Management Fellow with the Aga Khan Foundation and a Research Analyst with the Mass Movements Project working under Dr Stephen Kosack.

Raafi is co-author of Building An Inclusive Organization: Leveraging the power of a diverse workforce.

Building an Inclusive Organization: Leveraging the Power of a Diverse Workforce