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June 06, 2015

PSTD and Stroke
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What do combat veterans, assault survivors and stoke victims have in common? They can all develop post traumatic stress disorder. We’ll have a startling interview. Then, think young adults are abandoning libraries and print books for e-books and other technology? Think again.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: PSTD and Stroke

Dr.Donald Edmondson’s research has discovered that nearly one in four people who suffer a stroke also experiences symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder afterwards. He discussed other life-threatening illnesses that can also result in PTSD. He said the younger a person is who experiences a life-threatening event, the more likely they are to experience PTSD. He also talked about the potential treatments for the disorder.
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InfoTrak: Millennials and Reading

Kathryn Zickuhr of the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project. led a surprising study that found that Americans ages 16 to 29 are actually more likely than older Americans to have read a printed book in the past year and are more likely than their elders to use a library. She discussed the rapidly changing landscape of technology and literacy, and how libraries have adapted.
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InfoTrak: Community Supported Agriculture

Guillermo Payet, Founder and President of explained Community Supported Agriculture, where small farmers sell shares of their annual harvest to local families. The families then receive weekly deliveries of vegetables or fruit. He talked about the positive social and environmental impact of the “buy local” movement.
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