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June 22, 2019

A Simple ‘Weigh’ to Avoid Vacation Weight Gain
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Many adults gain a pound….or two or three… during vacations or holidays, and never lose those pounds. We share a daily 20-second activity that can help you avoid weight gain. Then, millions of Americans are stressed due to an epidemic of anxiety. A psychotherapist has advice to reduce the stress.
Episode Segments:
Step on the Scale
Jamie Cooper, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Foods and Nutrition at the University of Georgia led a study that found that stepping on the bathroom scale once per day may help to avoid weight gain. She said the average adult gains 1-2 lbs over each vacation or holiday period, and normally doesn’t lose it afterwards. She said although people may walk more and get other forms of physical activity during vacations, they tend to eat more.
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American Anxiety
An American Psychiatric Association report found that Americans have experienced a 51% increase in anxiety levels in the past two years. Laurie Nadel, PhD, a psychotherapist who specializes in treating acute stress, anxiety and PTSD, author of The Five Gifts: Discovering Hope, Healing and Strength When Disaster Strikes said the report illustrates an epidemic of anxiety issues, including PTSD. She said it can be triggered just by watching disturbing images on electronic devices, causing what she terms “vicarious traumatization.” She outlined five techniques that may help those suffering from mental trauma.
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The Surveillance State
Julie Angwin, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist, author of Dragnet Nation: A Quest for Privacy, Security and Freedom in a World of Relentless Surveillance explained why Americans should be concerned about the rapidly increasing ways that the government, private companies, and even criminals use technology to indiscriminately sweep up vast amounts of our personal data. She outlined tools that people can use to reduce their digital footprint.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Jaime Cooper
Dr. Jamie Copper is an associate professor in sports nutrition. She holds two degrees from Michigan State University and her Ph.D. From University of Wisconsin-Madison and, comes to FACS From Texas Tech University. Dr. Cooper has published numerous journal articles with a list of exceptional colleagues and has published one book, "The Complete Nutrition Guides for Triathletes" (2012). In addition to studying metabolism and hunger/satiety in humans as it relates to obesity and chronic disease, she carries outreach in the area of sport nutrition.

Learn More About Jaime Cooper

Laurie Nadel
Laurie Nadel, Ph.D., is an expert on mental health and climate change. She has been interviewed in The New York Times, National Public Radio, Reuters, and A specialist in acute stress, she is a member of a critical incident stress management team working with first responders. After losing her home to Hurricane Sandy, Dr. Laurie ran long-term support groups for survivors. From 2003 to 2005, she directed a program for teenagers whose fathers were killed in the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks and wrote the script for After the Fall: The Rise of a 9/11 Community Center, narrated by Dan Rather. Her four-time bestseller, Sixth Sense: Unlocking Your Ultimate Mind Power, was featured twice on Oprah. A journalist for twenty years, Laurie Nadel reported for Newseek and United Press International in South America, wrote TV news for CBS, ABC News and Reuters Television, and was a religion columnist for The New York Times' Long Island section. The Five Gifts: Discovering Healing, Hope and Strength When Disaster Strikes is her seventh book.

Laurie's Website