Do American men care more about maintaining their cars than maintaining the health of their bodies? The results of a new survey may surprise you. Then, many of today’s workplaces have employees spanning the generations, leading to communication breakdowns and conflicts. What is needed to make them all work together smoothly?
Episode Segments:
The Importance of Annual Checkups Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD, is an Urologist, and is co-director of the Personalized Urology & Robotics Clinic at South Lake Hospital, in affiliation with Orlando Health Dr. Brahmbhatt’s organization commissioned a survey that found that far more men can remember their first car than those who can remember when they had their most recent health checkup. He discussed the reasons why an annual checkup is so important and the reasons that men avoid trips to the doctor. He also offered advice to wives who want to encourage their husbands to make health a greater priority.
The Generational Workplace Thanks in part to older workers working past the traditional retirement age, four generations of workers are in the workforce at once for the first time. Lori LaCivita, PhD, industrial and organizational psychologist said each generation prefers different leadership and communication styles, which can trigger challenges in the workplace. She outlined strategies for managers to build strong and effective teams with a diverse pool of employees.
Expiration Dates on Food Ted Labuza, PhD, Ph.D., is an expert in food safety, and Professor in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Minnesota Professor Labuza discussed how to interpret the expiration dates on food labels. Many of the dates don’t mean what consumers think they do. He explained how to determine whether a package of food with a past expiration date is safe to eat.