How much do Americans know about our country? The answer may shock you; One in three can’t pass a basic civics test. The same test that is given to immigrants. Then, it seems almost as complicated as a moon launch – preparing to send your kid to college. We’ll hear from an expert.
Episode Segments:
Infotrak: American Civics
97.5 percent of immigrants who want to become American citizens successfully pass a naturalization test. The Center for the Study of the American Dream at Xavier University found that at least 35% of native-born Americans are not sufficiently educated to pass the same test. Founding Director Michael Ford explained why civic illiteracy is a serious threat to the American Dream. He talked about the disappearance of civics classes from the nation’s high schools in the past several decades.
InfoTrak: Planning for College
Planning for college is more complex than ever. Cynthia Hammond-Davis, author of If I Knew Then What I Know Now! College & Financial Aid Planning From A Parent’s Perspective said the financial aid planning process should start as early in a child’s life as possible. She shared the story of her struggle to help her son sort out the complex universe of college searches, financial aid, scholarships, athletics and extracurricular activities.
Infotrak: Inside the Teen Brain Robert Whelan, PhD, postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Vermont led a recent brain-imaging study of that examined similarities and differences in the brains of teens with ADHD vs. those who use drugs or alcohol. He said that the impulsivity that leads kids to blow off their homework and the impulsiveness that drives kids use drugs or alcohol are not the same, neurologically speaking. He talked about possible ways to help young people who may be diagnosed before they actually get into trouble.