Parents of young children can’t watch over them 24 hours a day, with activities such as sports and summer camp. What safeguards can be set up to ensure your kids will be safe from predators? Then, how is it that some people struggle to find true wealth, while others do not? We’ll talk to an expert.
Episode Segments:
Safeguarding Children From Predators Many parents will soon send their children off to summer camp, scouting events and sports activities. But without proper safeguards in place, these environments can provide opportunities for sexual misconduct and abuse to occur. Bruce Norman Bates, expert on the prevention of sexual violence against children, and co-author of Preventing Child Sexual Abuse in Youth-Serving Organizations: Guidelines for Managers and Parents outlined the abuse prevention policies that youth-serving organizations need to implement, and the questions parents must ask to ensure that they are.
Secrets of the Super Wealthy NY Times financial columnist Paul Sullivan, author of
The Thin Green Line: The Money Secrets of the Super Wealthy explained why some people, even “rich” people, never find true wealth, and why other people, even those who have far less are much wealthier. He offered tips on how middle-class consumers can make better financial decisions, and come to terms with what money truly means. He said changing how Americans think about wealth can to lead more secure and less stressful lives.
Saving Money on College Educator Maggie Cary, founder of said parents of high school students can save thousands of dollars in college costs if their child takes Advanced Placement courses in high school. She explained who is eligible for the classes and how prospective students can determine if a college accepts the credits. She also outlined other benefits for students who have completed AP courses.