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July 03, 2016

Smartphone Theft
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Millions of smartphones are stolen each year. And the risk go beyond just losing a phone. Do you know how to protect yourself? Then – it surrounds the planet and it sustains us. But does the water we drink now hold the risk of death and disease? We have the disturbing facts.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Smartphone Theft

Smart phone theft is on the rise. A projected 3.1 million were stolen last year, according to a Consumer Reports survey. Mike Gikas, Senior Electronics Editor at Consumer Reports outlined the sensitive information that many phones contain, and he offered security tips to both prevent thefts and to minimize the loss of personal data if a phone is lost or stolen.
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InfoTrak: The Blue Death

Robert D. Morris, MD, PhD, is an environmental epidemiologist, drinking water research scientist, and author of The Blue Death: Disease, Disaster & the Water We Drink. Dr. Morris believes that despite better overall health conditions, the nation’s water supply remains a serious health risk. He talked about potential disease pathogens, toxic chemicals, decaying pipes and cancer risks. He discussed the growing body of research linking the chlorine relied on for water treatment with cancer and stillbirths. He also talked about the history of water-borne pathogens like cholera and typhoid.
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InfoTrak: Family Finances

Lynsey Romo, Assistant Professor of Communication, North Carolina State University led a study of school-aged kids and what their parents tell them about family finances. She found that parents often make gender-based distinctions in what they choose to talk about, and kids pick up on what they’re not being told — sometimes drawing incorrect conclusions that can have repercussions for them in the future.
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