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April 22, 2017

Investing in the Future
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When it comes to money and investing, are you still acting like it is the 20th Century? Technology and science are rapidly moving ahead. A top investor says these days, you need to think ahead of the curve. Then, food addictions can make it extra difficult to lose weight. We’ll hear from a weight loss expert who has tips on healthy eating and long terrn weight loss.
Episode Segments:
The Truth About Your Future and Investing
Technology and science are evolving at a blistering pace. Ric Edelman, Chairman/CEO of Edelman Financial Services, LLC, and author of The Truth About Your Future: The Money Guide You Need Now, Later, and Much Later said the traditional paradigms of how Americans live, learn, and invest are shifting under our feet. He explained how smart investors can adapt and profit from today’s changing environment. He offered advice for parents who want to guide their children into careers that will thrive in the future. He said within a few years technological advances will solve many of today’s environmental concerns and humans will live dramatically longer lives.
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Food Addictions
Our next guest was Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD, food addiction and weight loss expert, and author of Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin & Free. Dr. Thompson discussed food addiction and the role it often plays in weight loss efforts. She explained why fewer than .01% of dieters are able to reach their goal weight and maintain it long term. She offered several suggestions for those trying to lose weight. She also recommended that those who are losing weight should take a break from working out.
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Clinical Hypnotherapy
Steve G. Jones EdD, is a clinical hypnotherapist, President of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, and author of 22 books on hypnotherapy. Dr. Jones discussed the most common misconceptions about clinical hypnotherapy. He outlined the problems that hypnotherapy can solve, and he explained why self-hypnosis may be useful. He said everyone can be hypnotized, although some are more suggestible than others.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Ric Edelman
For 30 years, Ric Edelman has worked to teach everyday people about personal finance. He’s widely regarded as one of the top advisors in the advisory field, having been named in 2016 among the country’s Top 10 Wealth Advisors by Forbes magazine, the nation’s #1 Independent Financial Advisor (three times) by Barron’s, and one of the “10 most influential figures” in the advisory field by RIABiz in 2013.

Learn More About Ric on his Website

Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D
Susan is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester and an American business entrepreneur and author. She is the founder and CEO of Bright Line Eating Solutions, a weight loss and weight sustainability company. Thompson is president of the board of directors of the Institute for Sustainable Weight Loss and the author of the best selling book Bright Line Eating The Science of Living Happy, Thin, and Free,

Susan's Website