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May 03, 2014

Curbing the Violence
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Violence at work and on school campuses, sometimes with tragic results, seems far too common. But one expert says there are ways to diffuse the anger. Then surveys show that the public’s trust in the news media is at an all time low. But why has it happened, and can anything be done about it?
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Defusing Anger
The U.S. Department of Labor has found that homicide is the fourth-leading cause of occupational death, and the leading cause of death for women in the workplace. Strategic business advisor Mike Staver, creator of the audio and video series 21 Ways to Defuse Anger and Calm People Down explained why workplace violence in the U.S. is a persistent and dangerous problem. He outlined ways to recognize warning signals and offered tips to defuse conflicts on the job.
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InfoTrak: Why Americans Hate the Media
As recently as the early 1970s, the news media was one of the most respected institutions in the United States. Yet by the 1990s, this trust had all but evaporated. Jonathan Ladd, PhD, author of Why Americans Hate The Media And How It Matters talked about the reasons that confidence in the press has declined so dramatically over the past 40 years. He also explained why this issue is so important in a healthy democracy.
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InfoTrak: Skin Cancer Cases on the Rise
Dr. Jerry Brewer, MD, dermatologist and researcher at the Mayo Clinic led a study that found that the risk of developing the most dangerous type of skin cancer is now more than six times higher among young adults than it was 40 years ago. He talked about the likely reasons behind this trend and why women under age 40 may be especially vulnerable.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Jonathan M Ladd
Jonathan Ladd is an assistant professor at Georgetown University. He holds joint appointments in the Public Policy Institute and the Department of Government. He studies American politics, with a focus on the news media and public opinion. He is the author of Why Americans Hate the Media and How it Matters (Princeton University Press, 2012). His work has also appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, Public Opinion Quarterly, Political Behavior, and Political Psychology. He received his PhD from Princeton University in 2006.

Jonathan's Website