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July 23, 2017

Distracted by Your Smartphone
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Most people would agree a smartphone is an essential part of modern life. But are we paying the price in terms of constant distraction and lack of focus? Then, diet drinks are supposed to help us keep our waistlines trim. But a new study shows that diet soda may increase belly fat.
Episode Segments:
Distracted by Your Smartphone
Bill Thornton, PhD, Professor of Psychology, University of Southern Maine led a study that found that the mere presence of a smart phone, even if it is turned off, can make it difficult to perform complex tasks. He explained the likely reasons that a phone can be so distracting. He offered suggestions for parents who are concerned about phone usage affecting their child’s schoolwork.
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Diet Soda and Your Waistline
Sharon Fowler, MPH, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio was the co-author of a study that found that diet soda consumption leads to expanding waistlines. She found that older adults who drank two or more diet sodas a day had waist size increases that were six times greater than those of people who didn’t drink diet soda. She discussed the possible physiological reasons and offered suggestions for those trying to control calories.
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Get Organized
Nearly everyone can use some help in getting organized. Regina Leeds professional organizer and author of The 8-Minute Organizer talked about the reasons that keeping order in our lives and possessions is so difficult. She offered small, step-by-step suggestions on how determine goals to get organized, and how to create positive routines for the long-term.
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