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November 30, 2024

How to Survive a Heart attack
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Few things are more scary than a heart attack. It can mean sudden death. But research by a top cardiologist reveals a routine habit we can follow that will boost our chances of survival. Then, innovative planning and design can make American cities much more livable. We’ll talk to an urban design expert to get the story.
Episode Segments:
Surviving a Heart Attack
Michael J. Blaha, MD, MPH Preventive Cardiologist, Director of Clinical Research at the Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease at Johns Hopkins Hospital recently led a study that suggests that people who exercise habitually are more likely to survive their first heart attack. He discussed the wide-ranging benefits of exercise and how much is enough. He said even older people can get in shape and get the heart-protective benefits of physical activity. He also offered ideas for how to get started.
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Innovating City Design
B>Janette Sadik-Khan, transportation and urban transformation expert, former transportation commissioner of New York City, and author of Streetfight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution discussed the importance of incorporating innovative transportation plans into modern urban environments. She explained how cities can add protected bike paths, improve crosswalk space, and provide visual cues to reduce speeding. She said redesigning streets can reduce congestion and increase foot traffic, which often improves the bottom line of local businesses.
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The Importance of STEM
Jason R. Wiles, PhD, Associate Professor, Biology, Syracuse University led a study that found that minority college students learn many science, technology, engineering, and mathematics lessons more effectively when they are taught by a recent minority student, rather than a traditional classroom instructor. He explained why STEM subjects are so important for today’s students, and the possible reasons why this alternative method of teaching works so well.
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